Grandmother, grandfather AND LARGE FAMILY Barack Obama

Barack Obama is running with her grandmother (Kenyan woman, the mother of Obama's father) called Sarah Hussein Onyango Obama in the house deceased father named Barack Hussein Obama in the village Nyongoma Kongelo, Kenya, during a visit there on 26 August 2006. Obama dielu welcome and treated as heroes during a meeting with relatives of his father. Until now the grandmother is still living in the age of 86 years and hope-hope that anxious grandchildren successfully win this election in the U.S. to become President, a U.S. president with black the first time in the history of United States if elected.

Obama posing with her grandmother, Sarah, when you first visit Afika 1987.

Obama family photo with his father. Bottom (from left to right): women's step-brother (Auma), stepmother (Kezia Obama), uterus grandmother (Sarah) and beside it is not known. Top (from left right): Not known, Barack Obama, stepbrother (Abongo Roy Obama) and a third brother on the right is not known. --

Barack Obama's father married 4. Wife to 1 is a woman named Africa Kezia Obama, wife to the mother's uterus 2 is Obama, the U.S. white woman named Ann Dunham, a wife to 3 is white woman named Ruth, and his wife to Africa, 4 are women who bear children 1 (child to 8 Obama's father). Obama's father has 8 children from 4 wives.

Family dwelling house deceased father in Obama Kongelo, Kenya.

Obama get a hug from kandungnya grandmother (the mother) named Madelyn Dunham (Madelyn Payne), who accompanied Her grandfather named Stanley Armor Dunhan (already deceased, 1818-1992, 74 years old), when high school graduation (High School) in Hawaii in 1979.

Grandfather and grandmother took this raise Obama in Hawaii, when his mother was in Jakarta with the Indonesian men's husband (Lolo Soetoro) with my father after the divorce Obama. Obama made that the grandmother, Madelyn, Searched died of cancer because the disease on 3 November 2008 in Hawaii at the age of 86 years (1922-2008).

Obama posing with her grandmother and grandfather, Stanley and Madelyn, at Columbia University, New York, when the grandfather and grandmother mengunjunginya there.

Obama on the beach playing with Her grandfather, Stanley Dunham Armor.

From left right: Obama grandfather (Stanley), Obama venter mother (Ann Dunham), younger brother stepdaughter Obama (Maya Soetoro) and Obama berfoto together in the early 1970's.

Venter Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama (born in Kenya in 1936 years, died in Nairobi due to a car accident in 1982), posing at the airport (airport) Honolulu with Obama venter mother, Ann Dunham (born in Kansas in 1942 years, died in 1995 because of cancer pain ), when Obama visited his father and mother in Hawaii. At the same time, Obama was 5 years old.
Originally both parents living in Hawaii Obama Obama until age 2 years, but after that Obama and his mother left his father went to Harvard to study and then return to Kenya without his family. Obama's father and mother first met in 1959 at the University of Hawaii. Then they were married 1960. 1963 they divorced when Obama was 2 years old.

Barack Obama (when the age of 5 years) posing with his father in the Honolulu airport, when visiting his mother, father and Obama in Hawaii.

Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama photos with his mother, Ann Dunham, in Hawaii, not long after her mother divorced her father left for reasons to study at Harvard University.

Obama is still a child playing on the beach Waikiki before his mother married again with a second husband, the man of Indonesia. Behind the building appears pink color, the famous hotel in Waikiki, The Royal Hawaiian hotel.

Obama berfoto with his family at their residence in Jakarta. From left to right: step-father (Lolo Soetoro), his mother (An Dunhan), step-sister (Maya Soetoro) and Barack Obama. After Obama divorced mother with Obama's father, and his mother (Ann Dunham) married again with a manager of a state oil company named Lolo Soetoro Indonesia at the time the task is being studied at the University of Hawaii.
1967 Lolo Soetoro back to Indonesia with An Dunham and Obama, and living in Jakarta in which tirinya sister (Maya Soetoro) was born from the pair Lolo Soetoro and Ann Dunham. Four (4) years later, his mother to send Obama back to Hawaii (an 71 years old) grew by grandfather to her grandmother, parents Dunham. Now Lolo Soetoro and Ann Dunham (Obama mother) is not (the deceased).

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Screen Actors Guild Awards, 2009 Best "Dress

Screen Actors Guild Awards, 2009 Best "Dress I dressed 2009 Actors Guild award for best film. The women will know, the red carpet, the Screen Actors Guild award for best season, is expected by 2009. I, please refer to the trend of the red carpet, a white dress, since the inaugural MICHELLE OBAMA much of last week's most popular ball gown pavement. V right amount of cutting-neck dress style, I like the Greek-style gown. Red carpet to see the best from here.

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Palestinian Info

From: "pcrbs"
Reply-To: pcraddressbook-owner at
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:58:47 -0000
To: pcraddressbook at
Subject: [pcraddressbook] URGENT: Palestinian farmers protest Israeli confiscation of land and water
For Immediate Release:

What: Palestinian farmers and international supporters hold prayer service and march protesting confiscation of farmland and water sources by the Israeli military.

When: Friday, 13 September 2002, Prayer Service at 12:30pm, March at 1:30pm

Where: Prayer Service in Beit Amin and March to Izbet Salman, West Bank, Palestine

Contact Information: Omar Sabhar, General Director, Ministry of Local Government, Palestinian National Authority, 059/837-606 from Israel/Palestinian Territories, (972-59)837-606 international

Osama Qashoo (Qalqilya, ISM) 052/225-703 from Israel/Palestinian Territories, (972-52)225-703 international

Garrick Ruiz (Los Angeles, ISM) 067/371-507 from Israel/Palestinian Territories, (972-67)371-507 international

Lisa Nessan (San Francisco Bay Area, ISM) 052/272-524 from Israel/Palestinian Territories, (972-52) 272-524 international

Kristin Razowsky (Flo) (Minneapolis Midwest Region, ISM) 067/361-708 from Israel/Palestinian Territories, (972-67) 361-708 international

Palestinian farmers from villages in the Tulkarem and Qalqilya regions of the Israeli occupied West Bank will gather Friday between Beit Amin and Izbet Salman to pray on their land. The Israeli Military plans to seize over 80,000 dunams of fertile farmland (one dunam is approximately a quarter acre) and nearly all of the region's 37 water wells. After the prayer the farmers will march to the neighboring community of Izbet Salman. Volunteers from the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian-led organization which supports Palestinian nonviolent resistance to Israeli Occupation, will participate in the march.

These seizures of Palestinian land will result in the redrawing of the border between Israel and 1967 Occupied Palestine. Areas affected extend along the Israeli-Palestinian border, from Jenin to Hebron. The Israeli military claims the confiscations are necessary due to nonspecific security concerns.

Last week, the Israeli military notified farmers of the immediate seizure of their lands when Israeli soldiers placed handwritten documents signed by General Keflinsky in Palestinian olive orchards and croplands. Within days, bulldozers accompanied by military personnel began the destruction of acres of cultivated farmland and the cutting down of ancient olive trees laden with fruit ready for harvest in the coming month of October. According to the handwritten notices, the farmers had one week to appeal the decision; however, they have been unable to make an appeal due to military travel restrictions and Isreali administrative office closures for the celebration of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Israeli seizure will turn the area's subsistence level farmers into refugees, robbed of ancestral land and economic means of supporting their families. The area around Tulkarem and Qalqilya is one of the most fertile agricultural area in the West Bank and includes the Western Aquifer Area which supplies the primary irrigation and drinking water for the surrounding population. The region's economy is dependent on these wells and family farms, which have been under cultivation for generations.

This week, Israeli surveyors with armed Israeli soldiers continue to mark the areas slated for seizure. Painted and red ribbon markers have been placed meters away from villagers' homes, on agricultural greenhouses and trunks of fruit trees. Palestinian farmers state their only hope for holding onto their land is through international condemnation of the Israeli seizures.

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